ex-curricular activities

Diversity at FTI!

At FTI, students engage in a variety of extra-curricular activities that foster cultural diversity, leadership, and community service. These activities provide a platform for students to connect with their peers, showcase their cultural heritage, and contribute positively to society.



Given the rich cultural diversity at FTI, students have formed associations based on their tribal and regional affiliations. These associations create a sense of belonging and provide a platform for cultural exchange and networking. The main cultural associations include:

  • Nkobazambogo – Representing students from the Baganda community.

  • Northern Uganda Fisheries Students Association (NUFSA) – For students from Northern Uganda.

  • Basoga Nseete – Representing students from the Basoga community.

  • Eastern Uganda Fisheries Students Association (EUFSA) – For students from Eastern Uganda.
  • Western Uganda Fisheries Students Association (WUFSA) – For students from Western Uganda.

Each of these groups holds meetings, cultural events, to celebrate and preserve their heritage.

The Cultural Gala

One of the most anticipated events at FTI is the Cultural Gala, organized annually by the Guild Committee. This vibrant and colorful event brings together all the different cultural groups to showcase their traditions through dance, music, drama, and traditional cuisines.

The Cultural Gala provides students with an opportunity to learn about and appreciate the diverse cultures within Uganda. It also fosters unity and respect among students from different backgrounds.

Religious Groups and Fellowships

Fisheries Christian Union (FCU)

A Christian fellowship for students.

Fisheries Catholic Students Association (FCSA)

A fellowship for Catholic students.

Fisheries Anglican Students Association (FASA)

A fellowship for Anglican students.

Fisheries Muslim Students Association (FMSA)

A platform for Muslim students to engage in religious and community activities.

Service-Oriented Clubs


Engages in first aid training, disaster response, and humanitarian work.


Focuses on leadership development and community service projects.